Entrepreneurship SaaS Sales Startup

“Maybe” Is Not The Worst Response In Sales Anymore

The common adage in Sales is “maybe” is the worst response you could get from the prospect.

It’s better to get “no” than “maybe”.

“Maybe” is a land of hope. Reps shouldn’t waste time there and instead seek “no” and chase new opportunities.

But is it still true with the modern B2B and SaaS buying behavior?

With the power of buying is shifting to buyers, are Sales reps being forced to be very transactional?

Your prospects might have other burning fires going right now. Sometimes the need is there, but the timing is not right.

They’re getting the job done just fine right now. But the need could go stronger as their world evolves.

Just because it’s a “maybe” right now, it’s not a “no” in the future.

“You can’t turn a no to a yes without a maybe in between.” – Francis Underwood

What should Sales reps do when they get “maybe”s?

• List down the most common objections that cause your prospects to answer with a “maybe”.
• Educate sales reps to approach these objections with new sense of purpose and respect the buyer’s world.
• Craft an outreach email campaign to stay on “top of mind” and provide continuous education value.

And eventually when their need becomes stronger, their “maybe” will turn into a “yes”.

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